March 1, 2025
বয়ঃসন্ধি-Adolescenceফিচার ৩

Body Image and Teenagers

Aadrita Mahzabeen ।। 

Do you ever feel unhappy or disappointed whenever you look into the mirror? It’s completely fine, you are not alone. Almost 60% of women and 40% of men around the world feel unhappy about their bodies and how they look. This is called body image.

What exactly is body image? Body image is how we feel about how we look and how our bodies are shaped. These feelings may be both negative and positive and they are influenced through multiple factors such as, family environment, social media, peers, ability or disability, cultural background, society etc.

Society has very unrealistic and toxic standards set for people, where girls are expected to be skinny, pretty and petite, and boys are expected to be tough, toned and strong. We may not always fit these factors and that’s what leads to negative body image.

Teens are often victims to negative body image as in this age, they are always trying to “fit in” with their peers or friend groups.

Some risk factors of negative body image in teens are that they may have low self esteem and show symptoms of depression, worry about how others may see them, be perfectionists, compare themselves to others or go on extreme diets.

Teenagers are harmed in multiple ways with body image. In attempts to fit society’s and social media’s expectations, teens do things that result in overworking, eating disorders or even fatality. The “thigh-gap” trend is an example of such toxic beauty standards. In this trend, girls are forced to believe that if they don’t have a “gap” between their legs, they are “fat” and need to lose weight. In attempts to lose weight they might develop dangerous disorders such as anorexia, which is often fatal.

This is why it is important to have a positive body image, we must avoid the possibilities of anything negative happening to ourselves.

How can we maintain a positive body image?

Stop chasing society and the media’s ridiculous standards. Don’t try to look like the models and people in magazines. Most of them are heavily photoshopped images! Ask yourself, what makes you unique as an individual? The world would be boring if we all looked the same, right? Don’t punish yourself for not looking like others.

Don’t compromise your future health for your current image, especially when you’re a teen as how you treat your body right now, will affect how your body develops in your entire lifetime. Steroids, excessive dieting, stressing etc may lead to you prematurely ruining your body. Your body will still have time to develop, so don’t stress!

Talk to professionals! If you have serious problems with body image and health, it’s best to talk it out with a trainer, coach or health expert. These people can help you set goals for yourself that are positive and healthy.

Stop judging yourself in the mirror. Excessive assessing and observing yourself throughout the day may make you self obsessed and a perfectionist. Instead, do something nice like a hobby! Help someone out or compliment them, you may both feel much better afterwards.

Stop trying to fit in! You are special and amazing in your own way, you do not need to look like people like Kendall Jenner or Beyoncé to feel beautiful. You are perfect the way you are.

Social Media and Society have extremely negative impacts on body images of teenagers. We must put an end to these unrealistic expectations. If you see your friend, peer or a loved one suffering from body images, be sure to help! Talk to them, compliment them and make them feel nice. Remember, you are unique and beautiful in every single way. Don’t worry about others, appreciate yourself and you’ll see that you’ll be having a positive mind and be leading a healthy lifestyle

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